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Portland Maine Mayoral Campaign Finances, 2019

Looking at sources of funding for candidates for the November 2019 Portland elections

Some info that belongs on this site:
  1. Information about the Portland process, e.g., what filings when, and where
     the public can find this info
     Note: some of the info on the process is hard to find. It's
     potentially useful to name the things we'd like to include but can't
     ... there are definitely things the city should step up with in terms
     of this process
  2. Our process for gathering the information
     (started in Data tab, above)

  3. The visualizations, and explanations for each of them

  4. Contributors to the website (unless they don't want their name

  5. Maybe: Our longer-term goals for this project, including:
    a. Portland council seat finances
    b. Extensibility to other municipalities 

Some information on the process in Portland

This stuff is hard to find, and the follow are incomplete...
  1. November 2019 Municipal Election
  2. Information for Candidates
  3. Maine 2019 Municipal Candidate Guidebook for Towns & Cities With a Population Over 15,000

Testing an embed from Tableau:

You can also find the source of these pages on GitHub

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